Advocacy for a smokefree future

Tobacco is our biggest killer, the single largest cause of health inequality between rich and poor and costs the North East over £2.35 billion a year in health, social care and costs to the economy.

Our aim is to build understanding of the harm of tobacco to society and to the region and call for action to reduce smoking, and reflect the voices of people affected.Fresh is a core member of the Smokefree Action Coalition.

Fresh is now supporting Government proposals to “stop the start of new smokers” and create a smokefree generation. This would make it an offence to sell tobacco products to anyone born on or after 1 January 2009. In effect, the law will stop children turning 14 or younger this year from ever legally being sold tobacco products – raising the smoking age by a year each year until it applies to the whole population. 

73% of people in the North East support the proposals to raise the age of sale by a year each year. Read more about the campaign for a smokefree generation.

The North East also has a Declaration for a Smokefree Future which was launched at a Leadership for a Smokefree Future conference on 27th September 2023 – read more

Support Cancer Research UK to achieve a Smokefree UK

North East Directors of Public Health support a smokefree generation

3/4 of North East adults would like to see raising the age of sale for a smokefree generation

Among the measures SFAC is campaigning for are:

  • A “polluter pays” levy on tobacco manufacturers towards prevention and support for smokers to quit
  • More funding for mass media campaigns to support smokers to quit
  • A consultation on raising the age of sale from 18 to 21
  • Reducing the appeal of cigarette sticks and more quitting information inside packs
  • A new Tobacco Control Plan which includes more measures to reduce the death and disease caused by smoking.

There is strong support in the NE to make smoking history for future generations.

  • 78% support the vision of 5% of fewer people smoking by the year 2030
  • Only 7% think the Government is doing too much to reduce smoking
  • 79% support a levy on tobacco manufacturers for measures to help smokers quit and prevent young people from taking up smoking
  • 69% support increasing the age of sale to buy cigarettes from 18 to 21

(Figures YouGov Smokefree Survey 2023

Young smokers in the North East reveal how they got hooked and worries about health as calls mount around the country for raising the age of sale and more action around prevention.

How the pivotal smokefree law of 2007 made a difference to people’s lives:

If you would like to get more involved in calling for change, we would like to hear from you. Whether you have been affected by smoking personally or through your work, find out how you can help.

Email us.

Fresh is a core member of the Smokefree Action Coalition. We are supporting calls for the government to commit to a “Smokefree 2030” and reduce smoking down to 5% or less.

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Smoking and Health (June 2021) published recommendations for measures needed for a Smokefree England by 2030. The report calls for further regulations including increased funding levied from the tobacco industry on a “polluter pays” principle.

The Khan Review: Making Smoking Obsolete (June 2022) is an independent review commissioned by the UK Government and conducted by Javed Khan OBE. It sets out recommendations on how the Government’s ambition to reduce the national smoking rate to less than 5% by 2030 can be achieved.