What we do
Fresh delivers a programme of eight key strands of activity all designed to work together to reduce smoking prevalence.
We have kept abreast of the evidence base on effective tobacco control over the last two decades and ensure we prioritise areas with the greatest impact at population level.
A key role of Fresh is advocacy for effective national action and ensuring our region, our people and our health system has a voice around how tobacco harms their lives.
We run world class campaigns to raise motivation to quit and all-year-round news stories functions to keep tobacco high on the agenda and support media and journalists.
We work with and for our North East population,..assessing latest research and insight around driving motivation to quit and working to ensure people across the region are aware of the risks of smoking and benefits of quitting.
Key Strands
Support and partnerships
Fresh works in partnership across our region, nationally and internationally to energise and galvanise efforts to address the harm of tobacco and reduce smoking rates to 5% or less by 2030.
Tobacco is our biggest killer, the single largest cause of health inequality between rich and poor and costs the North East £2.35 billion a year in health, social care and costs to the economy.
Reducing secondhand smoke
Fresh is committed to reducing indoor exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) which causes serious health problems among children and adults.
Media, communications and education
Campaigns and year-round communications are a vital part of efforts to reduce smoking and have a strong evidence base as effective interventions within public health.
Supporting smokers to stop
Too often smoking is referred to as a “habit” or a “lifestyle choice” but smoking is an addiction. It’s one most smokers start as children - but most end up regretting and trying to quit.
Raise price and reducing the illicit trade
Increasing tobacco price is the most effective policy to reduce smoking rates, reduce health inequalities and prevent smoking-related deaths.
Tobacco and nicotine regulation
Tobacco is the most lethal consumer product available. Regulation is needed to protect people from harm by reducing its availability, accessibility and attractiveness.
Data, research & evaluation
Fresh has a busy strand of work studying insight, data and latest behaviours around smoking and across the North East to shape priorities and guide campaigns.