Tobacco and Nicotine Regulation

“People smoke for the nicotine but they die from the tar” Prof Michael Russell

Tobacco is the most lethal consumer product available.  Regulation is needed to protect people from harm by reducing its availability, accessibility and attractiveness.

Fresh works with local, regional and national partners in health and enforcement on a busy and constantly evolving strand of work around regulation and promotion.

The UK has legislation in place but there is much more to be done to ensure it remains effective, protects children and young people and contributes to a decline in smoking rates.

The emergence of nicotine vaping products has also led to the need for a balanced approach to encourage adult smokers to switch, provide reassurance that products are regulated and prevent products from being marketed or sold to children.

Association of Directors of Public Health North East

The Association of Directors of Public Health North East has issued a position statement on vaping to guide local approaches and communications. READ


We will work to support compliance with existing regulations as well as gather evidence to close loopholes and make the case for further effective regulation.

We are advocating for the measures outlined in the All Party Parliamentary Group on Smoking and Health report Delivering a Smokefree 2030 including raising the tobacco age of sale to 21, introducing retailer licensing for tobacco and placing a ‘polluter pays’ levy on the tobacco industry. Visit our Advocacy page.

We maintain links with regulatory colleagues, provide advice and guidance to partners and work collaboratively to share best practice and provide access to evidence and best practice through the new Tobacco Crime and Regulation Forum.